It’s funny how a LEGO build can have you thinking of different things. Even moreso when it’s one so clearly based on existing source material, like this chilling collaborative build from First Order LEGO and BrickManStudios. As the logo in the corner suggests, this is a location from the video game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Trouble is, I’ve never played that game. Instead, I’m reminded of an album by a tech metal band called Sikth, hence this article’s title. You got that reference, right, reader? OK, so pop-culture references are maybe not my forte. But I can still appreciate the craftsmanship in this build! The tentacled tree is the centrepiece, naturally, but the landscaping is great too. It feels suitably overgrown – the perfect counterpoint to the dead, dried out tree.
The post The trees are dead and dried out, wait for something brick-built appeared first on The Brothers Brick.
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