Dominique Boeynaems pulls a-head with LEGO creativity

The Iron Forge competition just concluded its second week-long sprint where twenty builders were tasked with making creations using the ubiquitous LEGO minifig head as the featured “seed part.” So many delightful builds emerged from the prompt, but one builder kept delivering smiles: Dominique Boeynaems. Each of these builds is worthy of sharing on its own, but together they’re an inspiration to builders and a showcase of what makes the Iron Forge such a wonderful part of LEGO fandom.

Leading with Dominique’s final build, this nearly lifesize accordion came together during a 10-hour sprint and incorporates no less than 44 minifig heads for the keys. Vidyo straps work great for the handles. With the competition name and year worked into the instrument, it’s both a wonderful build and the perfect memento.

Dominque’s frog uses three minifig heads – two for the eyes and one for the fly. A car hood makes for a perfect amphibian forehead.

In this scene titled “Breakfast for One,” Dominique shifts scales and includes 32 minifig heads. The pineapple curtains are an especially nice touch.

This pair of mini Den-den daiko burst with joy with the rainbows of minifig heads in the drums. 22 heads in 10 colors. And the drums are fully functional!

Finally, this Dressing Room incorporates 25 minifig heads. I wonder if that’s a Scala mirror behind the wall?

Dominique’s builds impressed the judges enough that the builder advances to round 3. You can see some of our favorite builds from round 1 here.

The post Dominique Boeynaems pulls a-head with LEGO creativity appeared first on The Brothers Brick.


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