A Hero (Factory) is only as good as its villains

From 2010 to 2014, LEGO replaced the Bionicle line with Hero Factory, a world of robot agents protecting the galaxy from villains bots like Thornraxx. Builder Magmafrost13 gives this B-tier adversary an S-Tier makeover that’s buzzing with clever techniques.  The bug-bot’s curved gaster is made from interlocking feet elements. I especially like the shaping on the face, which uses paint rollers to connect the antennae and hides Hero Factory masks under the bulbous eyes.  This version of Thornraxx might not shoot balls out of its mandibles, but with all those wicked blades around the carapace, the foe seems decidedly more lethal. Better call on Benjamin Anderson’s upgraded Stormer to swat this fearsome pest.

The post A Hero (Factory) is only as good as its villains appeared first on The Brothers Brick.


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