Boba Fett, electric horse man

The first time the world saw Boba Fett, he wasn’t in a starship but sitting in the saddle of an alien creature. With a dad named Jango and a TV series infused with Western tropes, of course the bounty hunter is at home on the range. Builder Red Impala captures Fett at his Old West best in this LEGO tribute to “Hunter’s Heart” from the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion comic. Fett’s droid horse almost looks like a creature from the world of Horizon: Forbidden West with its’s head limited to a single glowing eye. I like the use of battle droid arms and blasters in the mount’s legs, which give it an extra Star Wars touch.

This model is one of a trio of “Desert Hunters” from from Red Impala. Dino-riding Khalid is also quite impressive!

The post Boba Fett, electric horse man appeared first on The Brothers Brick.


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