Hey BrickNerd fans! Long time, no see! I emailed Dave the other day to see if he needed an article for the month and if we have posted anything space-related in a while. “Wait, who are you?” he replied. Exactly!
If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed a multitude of various sci-fi vehicles rolling through your Instabook, Facegram, TockTick feeds. I figured I’d feature a few for FebRovery here on BrickNerd, based on several criteria that are vaguely floating around in my head, and in no particular order.
Let’s start things off with Whitetron Color Research, in The Planet Frost series by Frost. It’s been a long winter here in Vermont, and something about this, in spite of it being on an alien world, reminds me of springtime. The rover itself has great wheel-to-chassis proportions, ready to take on the most challenging terrain. Even if it’s just to go pick some flowers.
Have You Seen B4?
Next up we’ve got another prolific rover builder, Ids de Jong. Not only is there a never ending palate of colors and design, there’s also two recurring characters: B1 and B3. They offer commentary on the build, and interact with otherworldly creatures in the scenes, all while searching for space wolves.
Roam If You Want To…
Here’s the R.O.A.M MkII, the Rugged Offroad Adventure Mobile. Huw Gwilliam’s got a real winner here in the single-seat asteroid/moon recreation market. Apparently, according to the sales rep, everyone on the base wanted a go!
Run Forester, Run!
I thought this rover was quite facet-nating! This is the Woodtron Forester by 1corn. Not every planet is all rocks and craters. Some must have mud-bogs and gnarly roots to traverse. On your way to grabbing a soft pretzel, of course. Extra salt, please!
Yabba Dabba Do!
Okay, time for a slide show! And who better to feature than Pascal! A FebRovery stalwart, he’s really put on a show this year. Colors, textures, and crafty parts usage abound. And yes, the one with the orange highlights was inspired by the Flintstones.
What better way to end a Rover Round-Up than with a chunky Classic Space themed behemoth!? Builder Middle Bricks found inspiration from a real-life all-terrain vehicle called the Sherp. The previous Rovers have all been on the sporty side, but this rig is more of a plodding, go-anywhere, over-anything, nothing-will-stop-it monster. It would also probably be great for going to Costco on a Saturday afternoon. Just think how much toilet paper you could get in there!
Rover Round-Up Wrap-Up
There you have it gang, a smattering of the plethora of FebRovery vehicles produced by the LEGO-fan community this year. There’s no shortage of creativity rolling through the galaxy. What a ride!
What rover would you like to drive in real life? And on what planet? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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