“Corneria, fourth planet of the Lylat system.” For gamers who grew up with the N64, those words are enough to set your imagination spinning with polygonal starfighters doing barrel rolls. Builder Matteson Pino is far from the only person to name Star Fox 64 their favorite game, but he’s surely the first to pay tribute with a LEGO microscale diorama atop a brick-built N64 cartridge. It’s a briliant concept, depicting the game world spilling out of the physical media that stored it. The Great Fox carrier ship looks great, as do the chibi arwings, but it’s the pixelated terrain of Corneria that most draws me in. Now can Nintendo please bring Fox and co back to consoles? Switch 2 launch title, please.
The post Star Fox 64 in microscale (Rumble Pak not included) appeared first on The Brothers Brick.
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