2024 LEGO Advent Calendars, Day 1 [Feature]

December is here, and in these parts that means it’s time for us to don our ugliest sweaters, top off our mugs of hot cocoa, and get very serious about tiny builds hidden behind little doors in LEGO’s crop of advent calendars. And what a bumper crop it is, with an unprecedented (sinister?) SIX themes on offer! This year Marvel lets the other Avengers take a holiday so that Spider-Man and friends can have the spotlight. Disney doubles the minidoll offerings with a princess-themed calendar making its debut. Advent alumni Star Wars and Harry Potter are back, and of course, we have LEGO’s own City and Friends themes.

6 themes, 24 doors… that’s a whopping 144 gifts. It’s going to be a wild ride. Join us each day for holiday spoilers and our brilliant insights (and awful jokes). And of course, you can add your own thoughts in the comments section each day! Brace yourselves. We’re going in…

Friends and Disney both kick things off with a mini doll. The Friends character is shy girl Paisley, one of the theme’s core characters, as a little kid. She comes with a plush bunny and a purple cap. From Disney we have Moana (or as she’s known here in the Nordics, Vaiana) and a 1×1 gift.

Will Harry Potter throws us a curveball this year with an obscure character from footnotes of Pottermore? Nah, it’s just Harry with a wand. But he does come with a nice Griffendor crest! City keeps the kid trend going with a snowboarding boy in the first (of hopefully many!) ugly sweaters. He comes with a helmet if you’re into that whole safety thing.

Star Wars dares to be different, debuting with a micro build of an X-Wing. Finally, Spider-man shows up first just to be clear about who the star is of this year’s Marvel calendar. And hey, he brought pizza!

Iconic characters (or Starfighters, as the case may be) are flavor of the day. Solid, if safe, offerings all around if you ask me. But what say the rest of you?

Theo: Solid start across the board! I like the City kid’s Christmas sweater. The X-wing seems like a throwback to the original 90s colour scheme.

Daniel: Those kid figs in the Friends and Disney sets are super-cute. That X-wing looks like amateur table scrap though.

Bre: Sweater is nice. Gryffindor tile is nice. The rest is kind of “womp, womp” for me. You can only do so much when you have a micro doll, but I’m not a fan of Moana having a full dress with sleeves versus her usual attire. That said, I bet my nieces would love her.

Kyle: Alas! Star Wars, how you have fallen from grace. Am I allowed to like none of these?

Scrooge sentiments are running strong today! True, today is as basic as Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas.” Let’s see the offerings together. There’s enough accessories for our 5 characters to throw a white elephant gift exchange.

“Did somebody say ELEPHANT party?”

Be sure to come back every day from now until Christmas Even to see what surprises are in store, and let us know what you think of today’s gifts in the comments!

2024 LEGO advent calendars day 2

The post 2024 LEGO Advent Calendars, Day 1 [Feature] appeared first on The Brothers Brick.


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