LEGO Steampunk “Swallow” takes to the skies!

“L’hirondelle,” a mighty LEGO creation by Gus (aka Faëbricks), is the fastest vessel in the Royal Navy. Its name is French for “The Swallow,” a bird known for its ability to feed mid-flight, so what better name for an airship in search of prey? Mighty wind turbines and a streamlined hull (love the hidden rowboats giving it the curved shape) work with the elongated balloon to keep the airship aloft and stalking the skies. Its crew are hard at work, having repurposed Fremen stillsuit masks as breathing apparatuses in the thin air. I also love the cannon on the gear swivel, ready to unleash hell in any lateral direction. There’s also that wicked-looking blade at the prow, ready to poke holes in anybody who comes too close. All in all, it’s not an airship I’d want to mess with.

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