Ho-ho-howdy, building friends! Time to reveal six more LEGO advent calendar gifts from Friends, Disney, City, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Spider-Man. Our seventh set of doors… Has it only been a week since we started this journey? Like a holiday mall worker, I feel like I live in Christmas now. There is no way out except through.
As ever, our intrepid TBB team is on hand with witty comments, insightful observations, and bad jokes for each day’s builds. And of course, you can add your own thoughts in the comments section each day! So without further ado, let’s crack open the build for day 7…
Disney keeps to the Moana theme with a miniature catamaran. From friends, a tiny desk build with for writing letters to Santa.
City shares a tiny kitten with a fish too big for its bowl. Both are dwarfed by a second statue build from the Harry Potter box.
Lights are flashing in the final calendars. Star Wars hides a reference for completionists of the various LEGO Star Wars video games while Spidey gets a traffic light and fire hydrant for more of those NYC vibes.
This might be our most build-heavy day yet, with the kitten being our one outlier. What do our discerning evaluators think?
Theo: Ah I think I see what the deal is with these Harry Potter statues is now… at least this one is a bit more recognisable. That Star Wars minikit is pure nostalgia bait though – and I, for one, am here for it. 10/10.
Daniel: 100% love the minikit, so much nostalgia for Star Wars video games.
Kyle: Clearly, SW read my comments from past days, and has now decided to play dirty. You win with the video game reference, but I hope you don’t feel good about it.
Bre: I’m not sure I see what Theo sees. Maybe I’m dumb or misremembering. The Slytherin statue that seems like it’s supposed to be a snake/Basilisk appears to have wings. I don’t recall this creature in the series… I’m not a Star Wars gamer, so I don’t get the reference. I do like the Marvel hydrant and traffic light, though.
So Star Wars pulls ahead with its obscure cultural reference, but a pretty solid day all around.
Whatever floats your boat, these calendars have you covered!
What delights will tomorrow bring? Come back tomorrow for six more advent gifts. And be sure to share your thoughts on today’s offerings in the comments!
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