As 2024 brings itself to a proper conclusion at the end of this month, we should all take a minute to think about all the great LEGO moments we’ve had throughout the past year. Was there a set or theme that made this a special year for you? Or was there a special trip to the store where you scored a most-excellent deal? Did you make new friends or reconnect with old ones at a LEGO convention? Or were you able to nail down an old set you’d been looking for forever? Whatever great LEGO moments marked your 2024, we want to know about them! Fill out the form below and tell us all about those moments, and why they’re so special to you.
This form will accept entries through December 22nd.
Thanks to Darren Reid, Justin Speers, Paige Pritchard, Mariann Asanuma, Diane Campbell, Mike Ripley, Will Hafner, Ali Perry, Nancy West Johnson, Glenn Copeland, Sid Dinsay, and Josh Gay for providing photos for the cover image.
The post What’s your favorite LEGO moment of 2024? [Feature] appeared first on The Brothers Brick.
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