Yesterday we passed 50 advent gifts from the calendars. Today we’re looking to hit an even 60 LEGO surprises. Will minifigs or micro builds earn the kudos of our wise and fair panel of experts? Join us as we open one more set of doors from Friends, Disney, City, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Spider-Man!
As ever, our intrepid TBB team is on hand with witty comments, insightful observations, and bad jokes for each day’s builds. And of course, you can add your own thoughts in the comments section each day! So without further ado, let’s crack open the build for day 10…
Disney and Friends offer dueling catapults today. But perhaps the snowgie from Frozen would prefer you use its build as a see-saw instead.
You don’t have to be Professor Trelawny to predict what Harry Potter calendar brings today. It’s a Hufflepuff statue (if we’re being generous)! From City, a radio control rescue truck.
Spider-Man gifts us a drum kit for Gwen in her trademark colors, while Star Wars at last moves from the original trilogy to bring us Ashoka with her twin lightsabers.
I’m having a hard time picking a favorite today, so let’s see what the others have to say.
Theo: Hmm I think this HP Statue goes down as another dud, even if I can kinda see what they were going for. I bet Ahsoka would be a wicked drummer though.
Daniel: Love getting Ahsoka! Usually have to buy something big to get her. The drumset is cool (a bit too colorful for my taste). Those HP statues are very meh to me… Maybe busts would work better than whole animals.
Kyle: I’m just not digging the gargoyles from the Happy Potter calendar this year. The RC fire truck is awesome, though.
Bre: I feel like I’ve seen this exact same firetruck before, but I don’t mind because it’s adorable. The badger gargoyle is not the worst of the bunch, but it’s still not great. Love to have Ahsoka. On one hand it’s too bad she doesn’t have a rad sweater. On the other hand, it’s like Daniel says – nice to get her outside of an expensive set.
I think we’ll give today to Ashoka. Go ahead and celebrate with those drums!
Now we’re proud to present the Spider-Friends Trio singing “Do They Know It’s Chrsitmas on Klyntar? (No, the only gift that matters is the bond forged between host and symbiote in this cold and unforgiving world, but give us more of this thing you call chocolate!)”
What delights will tomorrow bring? Come back tomorrow for six more advent gifts. And be sure to share your thoughts on today’s offerings in the comments!
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