It’s day 11 of the most wonderful time of the year when we at the Brother Brick take you on a guided tour of the winter wonderland that is LEGO advent calendars! It truly is the best time of year. We love it so much that other holidays, birthdays, and celebrations feel a bit limp in comparison. And with six calendars to reveal, this is without a doubt the most wonderful iteration of the most wonderful time of the year. What a time to be alive! What will Friends, Disney, City, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Spider-man have for us today?
As ever, our intrepid TBB team is on hand with witty comments, insightful observations, and bad jokes for each day’s builds. And of course, you can add your own thoughts in the comments section each day! So without further ado, let’s crack open the build for day 11…
Once again, Disney and Friends are coordinating their outfits. From Disney, a microscale Frozen castle for Elsa. And for Friends, a destructible frozen castle for catapults!
Harry Potter gets into the game with a chess board and butterbeer atop another table. City takes the prize for the least amount of plastic yet with an itty-bitty baby and bottle. Even the baby gets in on the sweater action!
Spider-man missed the memo that yesterday was catapult day. Regardless, he shows up today with packages for his friends (officially two presents, but there were enough extra parts to make 4!). Today’s Star Wars build is a microscale Venator, a nice consolation for those who don’t have the money or space for the UCS version.
Big ships or tiny babies? What will impress the panel today?
Theo: On the 11th day of Christmas, the Friends calendar gave to me… a test of patience, by the looks of it. Either that’s a really small baby or that baby bottle is ENORMOUS.
Daniel: Can one ever have too many ice palaces? Yeah, I think one can. But these are both pretty good for the part counts. LOVE the baby in the x-mas sweater.
Kyle: SW has certainly gotten better as the month’s drawn on. That Venator is great, and wins today for me.
Bre: All around fair. No home runs for me, but the Venator isn’t bad, and I suppose that’s a reasonable representation of Elsa’s castle.
Today goes to Star Wars and sweater baby. Take a victory lap together!
Meanwhile, Venom makes a new pal test out the structural integrity of the Friends snow fort. You are going to rebuild that for Paisley and Olly, right?
What delights will tomorrow bring? Come back tomorrow for six more advent gifts. And be sure to share your thoughts on today’s offerings in the comments!
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