2024 LEGO Advent Calendars, Day 14 [Feature]

LEGO Advent calendars draw on so many icons of the season. Sweaters and snowmen, candy canes and cookies, and of course Santa! But you know what we’ve yet to see in an advent calendar? Krampus. Will this be the year? Will today be the day? Probably not, but let’s find out as we open door 14 on all six LEGO advent calendars: Friends, Disney, City, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Spider-man!

As ever, our intrepid TBB team is on hand with witty comments, insightful observations, and bad jokes for each day’s builds. And of course, you can add your own thoughts in the comments section each day! So without further ado, let’s crack open the build for day 14…

Friends brings us a karaoke station. Is this how young Paisley developed stage fright, being forced to sing Last Christmas with dad? Disney keeps to the bright colors with a cozy hearth and a tiny frog. This can’t be for Elsa… is a new Princess coming?

Harry Potter provides a Ravenclaw statue right on clue. Hey, this one actually looks like its animal! And from city, a radio controlled chopper. Nice foreshadowing with yesterday’s cozy sweater.

In the Spider-man calendar, a somewhat sinister wind-up toy! And from Star Wars, a Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter.

A good day for micro-builds all around. Personally, I’m partial to wind-up Rhino, but let’s have the others weigh in.

Theo: Eesh, another rough Star Wars micro. I can see what it is, but… Yeah.
The pair of toys are great, though. Neat police helicopter, and the clockwork Rhino might be the best Marvel build so far!

Daniel: Is that a X-mas wind-up Rhino? Star Wars build is either a Mandalorian fighter or a pirate fighter from Gordian Shard’s crew.

Kyle: I see what they’re doing, Christmas-ifying Rhino. But it’s just not doing it for me. I like the fireplace and frog more, for some reason.

Bre: I’m wish Kyle here. I love the thought on the Rhino. It’s okayyy… but kind of feels table-scrappy to me. The little helicopter is nice. And the raven statue actually isn’t awful.

So not everyone is sold on Rhino… Maybe we’ll give today to Harry Potter for the statue comeback. It’s a very cool raven!

The finished lineup of Hogwarts house statues is pretty impressive, and the printed tiles are undeniably great.

Oh, hey! It seems the statues have attracted some magical alumni to celebrate with Harry and co.

“Be careful not to look it in the eyes, Johnny! That horn looks dangerous!”

“Relax, my good Doctor Kilroy. I’ve taken away its credit card so it’s unable to charge.”

The Spidey Players ft. Miles “2 canez” Morales performing Joy to the World (that I just saved).

What delights will tomorrow bring? Come back tomorrow for six more advent gifts. And be sure to share your thoughts on today’s offerings in the comments!

< 2024 LEGO advent calendars day 13 | <!––>2024 LEGO advent calendars day 15.

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