LEGO Star Wars 75404 Acclamator-Class Assault Ship: a classy ship of great acclaim [Review]

Right now, one of the biggest LEGO Star Wars sets you can buy – one of the biggest LEGO sets full stop, in fact – is the colossal 75367 Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser. But what to do if you don’t have the funds or space to make such an investment, yet still want a brick-built Republic capital ship? Well, for a fraction of the footprint, you could pick up the 450-piece 75404 Acclamator-Class Assault Ship starting from next January 1! This midi-scale vessel is a fraction of the price, too, with pre-orders open now for US $49.99 | CAN $64.99 | UK £44.99 (oh, and it might show up on eBay or Amazon after its release date). But just because it’s cheaper doesn’t automatically make it a good deal – read on, and see if we think it is so…

The LEGO Group provided The Brothers Brick with an early copy of this set for review. Providing TBB with products for review guarantees neither coverage nor positive reviews.

The box and contents

As with so many other display sets, the Acclamator is displayed on a simple black background on its square box. I neglected to get a picture of the back (d’oh!) but it doesn’t show much more: just the same thing seen from a different angle.

Four numbered plastic bags contain all the parts we will need. The instructions have a smart top-down view of the ship on the front cover.

There are a couple of double-page spreads before we start building: one talking a little bit about the subject matter, the other with a reference picture and some stats.

The build

The core of the ship is the first thing to be built, at a nominal three studs wide. Right off the bat we have some 1×1 white studs reflecting the fact that these ships could be filled up with clone troopers. Clearly some liberty is being taken with scale, but they could feasibly represent a legion each. The hinged assemblies double as the loading ramps we see them march up in Attack of the Clones.

A couple of additional structural parts go on top, giving an I-shaped core (or H-shaped, depending on your outlook on life).

We start to lend the vessel some shape with sideways building…

… And we’ll continue that in the second bag. We do come across some new re-colours here, for two parts only recently introduced into LEGO’s line up.

Those light bluish gray slopes are swiftly used up as we continue the underside of the prow.

We need some motive power, so let’s flip things over and add thrusters to the back. The roller skates around a four-sided 1×1 brick make for some nice texturing.

The next few steps add a bit of meat to the top. It’s surprisingly intricate, making good use of the 2-plate high brick with stud on side.

This allows us to use those newly re-coloured 1×6 slopes to give the central stripe a gentle taper.

Between the thrusters, we’re going to stick what I will call the ship’s tail. (I’m sure it has a more technical term, but it looks like a tail to me!) It consists of a core of 1×2 bricks around which various slopes are attached.

You may have noticed that we’ve added some orange jumper plates in there, too. This is to allow the four-stud-wide bridge portion to be attached to the three-stud wide core.

Next up, the wings. These are pretty simple in and of themselves: just three layers of plates. The wedge plates used around the edge make for nice greebles at this scale. There are two printed elements, too: a 4×4 and 2×2 tile with some stripe details and the Republic Navy roundel respectively. The tan printing on the latter feels a little dull (it’s not just my amateur photography skills at work).

Here you can see what they both look like when finished. See the 2×6 wedge plate on the inner edge?

That lines up nicely with our dark red slope in the centre. Both wings are actually attached to each other via axles that pass through two Technic bricks in the middle of the Acclamator.

All that’s left now is the stand, which has bricks on their sides forming the a nice smooth base. Arch pieces add a touch of elegance, while a pair of brackets offer a place for the ship to connect. And it’s all finished off with a printed name plate.

The finished model

Despite being a lesser-known ship than some of its fellow Republic vessels, this Acclamator certainly has a commanding presence.

Its looks hold up from most angles, even when removed from its stand. The only real criticism is that the rear feels a little unfinished. The bits of dark gray on the bottom result in a slightly patchy appearance, but that’s a nitpick. All in all it’s an eye-pleasing model.

It’s a bit difficult to show the ramps off in their open position and see inside, particularly as the ship is displayed as if it were flying. Still, they look fine as the shaping of the hull underside, so the fact they open as ramps at all can be seen as something of a bonus feature.

Conclusions and recommendation

One of the things I like about the Starship Collection is how it’s a good chance for us to get ships that might not otherwise get LEGO representations. The Invisible Hand, which came out earlier in 2024, is one such ship, and it would’ve been easy to go with a more recognisable Republic vessel such as the Venator to pair it with. Even if it’s at a different scale, I’m pleased that they opted for something slighlty more niche. The construction is fairly interesting, though nothing jumped out as being particularly innovative. The same sentiment extends to the price: it feels like fair value for money – not outstanding, but not bad either. It’s certainly worth a look if you want to show your allegiance to the Republic without breaking the bank.

LEGO Star Wars 75404 Acclamator-Class Assault Ship contains 450 pieces, and can be pre-ordered now from for US $49.99 | CAN $64.99 | UK £44.99. Shipping starts from January 1, 2025, after which date you may also be able to find it on third-party retail sites such as eBay or Amazon.

The LEGO Group provided The Brothers Brick with an early copy of this set for review. Providing TBB with products for review guarantees neither coverage nor positive reviews.

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