Do you hear what I hear? No, there’s no one on the rooftop… yet. It’s tiny bags crinkling inside their boxes just waiting to be unwrapped and built! Put an extra log and the fire before we continue opening all six LEGO advent calendars: Friends, Disney, City, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Spider-man!
As ever, our intrepid TBB team is on hand with witty comments, insightful observations, and bad jokes for each day’s builds. And of course, you can add your own thoughts in the comments section each day! So without further ado, let’s crack open the build for day 15…
Yesterday’s frog from Disney gains a princess pal. It’s Tiana, still glowing from the debut of her E-ticket ride revamp at the Magic Kingdom. Friends presents a sewing station, stool, and Santa cap. Did young Olly get his sewing start this Christmas?
Harry Potter brings another table with goblets and a bottle of acid pops. Because apparently candy that burns a hold through your tongue is fun? From city we get a plush bunny. That’s it, just one element in the bag today.
Star Wars gifts us a Clone Trooper today to assist with any army building, while Spidey zooms in with another micro car build.
There’s a clear winner here in my book, but let’s check in with the others first.
Theo: Love that sewing machine! Some of the HP builds are getting kinda repetitive though. Did they do a big bulk buy and end up with extra stock or something?
Daniel: The sewing machine is the winner for me today. Bonus points for another bunny.
Kyle: Another cool Spider car, and one heck of a sewing machine. Tough to choose today, but definitely not the lonely bunny.
Bre: You know… I’m not sure about the sewing machine. I mean, I guess it’s pretty nice. We’ve just seen a few LEGO sewing machines and this doesn’t strike me as the best… but it’s growing on me…Love the printed Acid Pops jar!
I’m with Theo and Kyle in loving the sewing machine, especially as it comes with a festive hat. Like Bre mentions, the Harry Potter calendar has been quite generous with printed parts. And while yes, it’s a bit repetitive, the results are feeling quite substantial, and we still have 9 days to go! As for that bunny…
Paisley: “Look, bunny! Another bunny! All on its own… That’s so sad. ”
What delights will tomorrow bring? Come back tomorrow for six more advent gifts. And be sure to share your thoughts on today’s offerings in the comments!
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