“Arch” rival builds vie in Iron Forge [Feature]

The Iron Builder competition pits a veteran building champion against a challenger in a LEGO twist on the Iron Chef cooking show. But how does one become a challenger? One path is the Iron Forge competition, where everyone is invited to build and share models using the “seed part,” with the pool becoming a bracketed competition until one is chosen. The free-for-all phase just wrapped up, featuring the seed part of “any mudguard with only one wheel arch.” Here are a few that caught our eye.

“Fun at the Fair” by Dominique Boeynaems – 21 mudguards

“Mud-Guarded” by Bousker – 33 mudguards (each of those traps on the wall uses 4!)

“The Getaway” by F.S. Leinad – 26 mudguards

“The Hippopotamus” by Filbrick – 10 mudguards

“Portal Testing” by Grant Decker 14 mudguards

“Fruit Plate” by Cora – 12 mudguards (and two foam spheres from early Mindstorms sets!)

“Fountain” by Margit – 37 mudguards

“Bumper Cars” by Syrdarian – 20 mudguards

“Pop-sicles” by ABrickDreamer – 3 mudguards

“Painted Face” by Beta Brick – 13 Mudguards

“Winging it” by Harry Duncan – 32 mudguards

“American Bathroom” by History Builder – 7 mudguards

After seeing so many amazing arch builds, I couldn’t help but throw my hat into the Iron Forge ring.

“Teatime with the Arch Demon” by Jake Forbes – 8 mudguards

Visit the Iron Forge site to see which builders advanced to round 2! Best of luck in the next round where the seed part is “minifig heads.”

The post “Arch” rival builds vie in Iron Forge [Feature] appeared first on The Brothers Brick.


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