Invading goblins get a lesson in Dwarven hospitality

Builder Mihał Ch regularly wows us with epic scenes from fantasy and folklore. Inspired by the “Dwarf Tales” category of this year’s Brickscalibur contest, Mihał crafts a massive 64-stud square slice of a Dwarven fortress under siege from a colorful crew of goblins. While short in statue, these Dwarves put up a mighty fight with cannons and spell blasts echoing through the hall.

The architectural highlight is a massive statue atop the grand stairs.  I especially like the helmet design with macaroni tubes tapering into teeth.

Of course what makes Mihał’s builds special are the brick-built creatures and intense minifig action, and for this battle, he delivers. The purple troll brings a welcome splash of color and menace, while beer-swilling berserkers and artillery fight back.


The post Invading goblins get a lesson in Dwarven hospitality appeared first on The Brothers Brick.


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