Salem’s most haunted house in LEGO

Did someone say spooky LEGO haunted house? Where are those Hidden Side kids when you need them? Builder Jeff Chapman is back with another stunning recreation of a Salem landmark shrouded in ghost stories. This time it’s the Joshua Ward house, built in 1784 in the brick federal style. What makes it noteworthy is less the architecture (which is lovely with all that dark red!) but it’s haunted legacy, as the mansion was built on the site where a zealous sheriff had his home and makeshift witch prison during the infamous witch trials.

As we’ve come to expect from Jeff, the presentation is impeccable, with the building resting on a dynamic patch of terrain littered with fall leaves from that amazing tree. The climbing vines are especially effective, incorporating snakes and claws amongst the leaves. While the brick red walls are uniform in color, Jeff packs in detail, from the great keystone arches over the windows to the added weathering on the chimneys. Jeff guides you through the build process and tells the full haunted history on his always-entertaining Spooky Brixx channel.

The post Salem’s most haunted house in LEGO appeared first on The Brothers Brick.


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