Elbow macaroni leads to brainworms [Building Techniques]

A certain recently confirmed political official had us Googling brainworms a bit more than usual lately. Perhaps this has been the case with Djokson who has presented his own brainworm. We have a slew of the 2×2 round bricks with 45 degree elbows in both white and trans-dark pink. You’d have to stockpile at least a couple of the DreamZzz Never Witch’s Nightmare Creatures sets to obtain those tasty trans-pink ones. Maybe this is just the brainworms talking here but I am clueless as to what that brain piece is from. While it shares some family resemblance, it is most certainly NOT this piece. Let us know in the comments what that neat brain part might be because I am truly braindead on the matter.

The post Elbow macaroni leads to brainworms [Building Techniques] appeared first on The Brothers Brick.


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